How To Submit Homework - 如何提交作业

Submitting the homework is very simple and quite easily done.

  1. Submit homework - Submit a homework to a department. (提交问题 - 向客服提交新问题)
  2. Use the form to submit a support request. Required fields are marked with * (使用下面的表单提交问题。必须的字段标记为 *)
  3. Enter Your Name: (姓名)
    • Example: Tom Jones
  4. Enter Your Email: (邮箱)
    • Note: This e-mail address will be used to send you updates and replies towards this submission.
  5. Select The Homework Category. (分类 - Homework)
  6. Enter The Student's Name:
    • Example: Anne Li
  7. Enter A Subject: (标题)
    • Example: Letter A, Reading Rainbow Book Page 22, etc...
  8. Enter You Message. (内容)
    • Example: Any questions or concerns you may have in regards to the homework assigned.
  9. Attachments are for the image(s)/picture(s) of the assigned homework. (附件)
    • Note: You may attach up to 5 images per submission.
  10. Enter The SPAM Prevention in the box provided. (验证码图片: * 请输入您在下面图片中看到的数字)
    • Note: This is required to prevent spamming.
  11. Click Submit Ticket (提交问题)

Note: Once you submit the homework assignment, it will be reviewed and replied back with any corrections or additional information as required.

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07/14/2017 8:42 am
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