
This is the year for vacation and retreat, Virgo! You're known as the proverbial workaholic, but this year you're about to totally transform your image. If ever there was a time to learn how to kick back and relax, it's now. Although the first half of 2014 will continue with the crazy social frenzy that began in 2013, by summer you'll be ready to enter a phase of serious seclusion. Too much socializing proves to be incredibly taxing on your nerves, Virgo. You're more sensitive than most, and it's hard for you not to feel the pressure of wanting to help, nurture and support all those who come to you for your brilliant guidance.

The total mental makeover that began in late 2012 is really taking root. Your thinking and communication skills are sharper than ever. You've also had to work hard at uprooting any self-defeating thought patterns, and that transformation is starting to pay off as you discover the power of controlling your own mind. Chances are you've figured out how important it is to clear you mind if only by exercising or taking a long walk once a day. Too much mental activity is purely exhausting for you, and you've had to learn how to turn off your thinking in order to find respite and rejuvenation. That has been the art that Saturn in your house of thinking has taught you over the past year.

Money and debt become key themes for you in 2014 as the Nodes of Fate move into the financial zones. You're finally fed up with rollercoaster spending sprees, and feel committed to working towards more balance and intention with both earning and spending. You'll suddenly find that your determination to keep a balanced budget takes precedence over almost anything else in your world. When your finances are settled, your mind becomes calm and your creativity soars. It's worth the extra effort and small sacrifices in order to achieve your goals. You'll love how your money picture looks a year from now, Virgo.

Virgo Love

Your love life has been undergoing a total transformation that began in 2008, and you're not even halfway to the finish mark. This said, expect another layer of profound life lessons and experience in the love department this year. Regardless of your current relationship status, you're sure to be heavily involved at some point with either your current partner or someone brand new that rocks your world.

Love is a constant journey into your own psyche and shadow, which may be why part of you wishes you could just run away and be a hermit in the woods at times. With the North Node of Fate moving into the sign of partnership early in the year, the emphasis is on partnering. You value deep connection with another and will find it incredibly satisfying to partner up with someone who feels more like your equal. Relationships are grounding for you, especially those that allow you your own space to roam and heal and explore. This is the year where you may be more willing to sacrifice your need for a lot of alone time in order to receive the gift of consistent companionship.

Saturn continues to teach deep lessons on sexuality and intimacy in 2014. This is the last year that the cosmic taskmaster will be inhabiting the sign of Scorpio, so take full advantage of this sexy and deeply transformative time, Virgo. You're learning how important communication is in relationships. If you don't first meet in the mind, it's very hard for you to feel a deep connection. You adore a partner with genius potential. Dimwits need not apply. You've learned over the past year plus how you simply cannot compromise on your strong desire for mental compatibility no matter how beautiful the person is otherwise. It's actually become a dealbreaker for you as you find yourself way too turned off and frustrated when you cannot have a meaningful conversation. Finally, Saturn in Scorpio has taught you how important it is to devote yourself wholeheartedly to the one you love. Once committed, you've learned that staying-the-course is the only way to a deep and fulfilling partnership. No more wavering or second-guessing, Virgo.

Virgo Career

This is the year for really honing in on the powers of visualization and your imagination, Virgo. Work smarter not harder in 2014, especially after July. In fact, this summer you may be ready for a serious retreat, so you may want to get as much off your plate as possible during the first half of the year. Reward yourself in the summer with a blissful escape into nature.

Money, investments and debt play a huge role in your professional life for the next few years. You're learning so much about the power of building a nest egg so that you can grow your business and your other worldly goals. As tempting as it may have been to spend freely and luxuriously over the past few years, you're starting to realize how important it is to let go of the whole hand-to-mouth habit. You're one of the smartest and most resourceful signs of the zodiac, so there's no need to scrape along. Use your top-notch organizational skills to get double if not triple your earning potential. Once that happens, you can start stashing away the cash for your extended summer vacation.

Saturn will continue to put excessive pressure on you to get your message out there. If you've felt media shy in the past, you're realizing you have no choice but to hook up with as many social networking sites to expand your audience and widen your sphere of influence. You've also been learning (perhaps the hard way) how important integrity is to your solidifying your image. That may be why you used to find it intimidating to fully promote yourself online due to how exploitive that medium can be. But if anyone can refine some of the ugliness of social networking, it's you, Virgo. Plus, you'll have the bonus of extreme creative power this year with an extended run of Venus in your zone of self-expression. Pluto continues his long tour through your creative zone until 2023, so you're actually becoming a master of artistic expression and learning how to use this to your advantage.

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01/02/2014 7:06 am
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